"I believe that spiritual maturity is not the ability to see the extraordinary, but the ability to see the ordinary through God's eyes. Consequently, no matter how wonderful our experience or encounter is with God, the test of it's worth is in the fruit it bears in our lives and the lives of others. "
- Frank Viola

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Busy, busy, busy

Hey everybody! Where are all the bloggers??? Well, we have been unbelievably busy kicking off the summer - I just want to start by saying you guys all rock! I think I can concur with the words of our homie Dan Lowe when saying, "We're doing it folks, we're doing it." The community garden is a total success....things are already growing as I'm typing this. We have tons of plants getting large in the green house anticipating the last frost in the Northwest, and the irrigation system is almost completed. I'm excited to say that Camille has joined our little band of merry folks - at least for the summer - and that will make for a super rad addition (to say the least). We have been meeting every Sunday night for our community meal which has really been encouraging. Its so nice knowing that our family is growing deeper and deeper relationally. Tim and Arianna's wedding is just around the corner - July 3rd - which is super duper. About three weeks ago we slaughtered and packaged our meat birds (22 of the feathered monsters), in record time I might add. Thanks so much to Jay and Tina Stetson (my parents :) for giving us a place to keep them and helping with all the work. Hopefully we can give everyone a more detailed update soon but for now, its simply (haha) gardening, community meals, and studying the 12 Marks of a New Monasticism.


  1. Wow, we need to talk bro! It's about time for an updated phone conversation. :) Miss you guys.

  2. honey, gotta say I love reading your blogs...they're so cute! I mean when else do you say things like "little band of merry folks", "super rad", or "super duper"?

  3. Yeah, blogging brings out weird facets of the human personality.

    Yay! It IS cool the things this little group has set their mind to and is actually doing.
